unauthorized user

英 [ʌnˈɔːθəraɪzd ˈjuːzə(r)] 美 [ʌnˈɔːθəraɪzd ˈjuːzər]

网络  非特许用户; 未授权使用者



  1. You will log on as another user not authorized to work on the task to make sure unauthorized access is also working as it should and not show the task in the user's To-Do list.
  2. In CSRF attacks, unauthorized commands are transmitted from a user that the Web site trusts.
  3. Testing access will help you find out if an unauthorized user can successfully access a control that only the administrators are authorized to use.
  4. Physical access to your servers and your databases may be compromised allowing an unauthorized user to access them.
  5. If the user does not have access to the document in question, then an error displays when the agent runs ( for example," Entry not found in index "or" Unauthorized to attempt that operation").
  6. The disadvantage is that if the federation is corrupted, few safeguards prevent an unauthorized user from gaining access to controlled information.
  7. If an unauthorized user is allowed to gain physical access to the server, there is a potential for him to obtain secured data or to do severe damage to the server.
  8. Access Can an unauthorized user successfully access a control that only the administrators are authorized to use?
  9. Typically, a closed community site or extranet site like this presents an unauthorized user with a login page instead of the home page.
  10. In data security, an unauthorized user who tries to gain entry to a computer network by defeating the system's access controls.
  11. This is particularly important with MakeConnection, because otherwise an unauthorized user could retrieve messages destined for another system.
  12. Note Do not use this procedure in a production environment to allow unauthorized access to user data in violation of corporate policies regarding privacy and security.
  13. Backdoor is a software program that gives an attacker unauthorized access to a machine and the means for remotely controlling the machine without the user's knowledge.
  14. In database system, it is a serious problem how to protect data security and to prevent unauthorized user's modification.
  15. Digital fingerprinting is a technique for identifying unauthorized copy and tracing back to its user.
  16. The 802.1x protocol is a access control and authentication protocol based on the model of Client/ Server too, which can prevent the access of unauthorized user to local area network through the access port.
  17. In addition, with the risks and chances of network intrusion sharply increasing, designing some safe measures to prevent unauthorized user from accessing the system data and resource becomes a very impending problem in the field of network security.
  18. The GPS is controlled by the American Department of Defense. Its unauthorized user only can obtain low positioning accuracy without safety.
  19. Access control technology protects the security of application system by developing a control strategy. Its main purpose is to protect system resources from unauthorized user access, or unauthorized access by legitimate users.
  20. The security technologies, such as firewall, intrusion detection and data encryption have been developed to prevent unauthorized user from stealing, faking and destroying data.